
Wicked Ones and Undead Awakening: High-Quality Print Run

Created by Bandit Camp

An offset print version of the tabletop RPG of dungeon building and adventurer slaying, plus its full-game expansion full of undead conquest. We have made the decision to only print enough books to fulfill the Kickstarter. This will be the final printing of Wicked Ones/Undead Awakening - no retailer distribution or webstore is planned, so this is your only chance to get these books. In the future, only the PDF version and a softcover, standard color version via DTRPG print-on-demand will be available. All shipping fees will be collected later, closer to the shipping date.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manager: Switching Pledge Levels
about 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 05:21:45 PM

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the update spam but I've gotten this question a half dozen times now.  Backerkit can be a little confusing - there are add-ons and then there's switching your pledge level. When going through the survey and if you want to change your pledge level (for example, from Undead Awakening Hardcover to the Tome of Binding), you would follow this procedure:

Your card is then charged the difference between the two pledge levels.

If you would like to add something else onto your order, follow through with the survey and you'll be prompted to consider "add-ons" later.

I really should have made this very clear prior to sending out the previous update. Sorry.  Hope that helps clear things up. If you have any questions, feel free to comment here, PM me on Kickstarter, or reach out on Discord/e-mail ([email protected]). No matter what you do, like if you mess something up somehow, it's fixable so don't worry about it too much. :)

- Ben

UA's Mall of the Future map plus the final three sandbox maps! (*whispering* And at the end, a bit of bad news...)
about 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 02:22:00 AM

Hey everyone, I got the final three sandbox maps in - for a total of 10 extra maps!  The Cartography Kit will then include these 10 plus the 8 from the books - 18 maps in total!

The Mall of the Future by Victor Costa (in UA)

First up, here's Victor's Mall of the Future map. This was easily one of the toughest maps I've ever seen him make. It presented numerous challenges and I still can't believe he pulled it off. I can't wait to play on this thing. Remember that Kickstarter compresses these a ton - these maps are full of details!

Void Sea by Raul Volpato

Raul is a freelance pixel artist and has some done some Blades in the Dark character packs, amongst a lot of other interesting stuff.  I loved his character art, so wanted to bring him on and see if he could do a cool map for us. I'd say he delivered!  (Twitter - Instagram)

Frozen Core by Adrian Stone

I very much loved Adrian's work in Spire and Heart and asked him to do a map for us. Without much in his portfolio map-wise, I wasn't sure what to expect but this barren, frozen wasteland seems ripe for some intense horror scenes, likely a perfect map for Undead Awakening.  (Instagram - Website)

Frackshaw's Reef by Tim Wilkinson Lewis

Again, more work from Spire that I thought was fantastic - Tim's maps in that are inspired. Here, I let him go wild with his creativity and he gave us this gonzo community built on and within a gigantic... turtle?  dragon?  creature? skeleton.  This has to be the wildest of all the maps we got and I'm real curious to see where everyone takes this one.  (Twitter - Website)

Refined Awakening Dice 4s and 5s

So the original designs, which we kinda pushed out about halfway through the Kickstarter campaign, were a bit messy on the 4s and 5s so Victor revisited them.  Also keep in mind that these are mockups, meant to be used to give a better image of what they look like after engraved.  The shading is there to show that - what we sent them are clean vector files to be engraved, then hand-painted onto each side.  So especially on these purple ones, they look a bit messy, but the end result will be much cleaner.  

This was our first foray into designing visual dice sets like this and one thing we realized very quickly - FIVE is a serious troublemaker. It's very difficult to create a concept that's both easy to parse as pips, visually satisfying, and simple enough to be a die face. 

Other News (yes, I'm hiding the bad stuff at the end)

So this week, my two daughters and myself came down with covid (tested positive :/).  We dodged it for years but here, in the second busiest week of my life (wedding week had to be the busiest), we get blindsided by it...  but anyway, it was pretty mild all around, all things considered. Having my wife and kids at home this entire week is definitely the biggest impediment to work. They're all healthy and fine - which is the problem. The endless energy of a 3 and 6 year old, locked inside our house.

So while things are still on track for release as soon as the Kickstarter funds come through, I'd ask for a bit of understanding if this doesn't happen until about next Monday.  I'd like to get it all out at once, everything finished and sent out one single time, but we'll see how it develops. We actually re-organized a big chunk of UA right at the final hour here to help the flow of campaign setup a bit and incorporate a little new content (Cass found a great, clear way of displaying threats/defenses, for example), so it also gives us time to properly look all of that over.

Okay, that's it for now!

- Ben

Payment Issues? Couldn't Back? How to fix it or, alternatively, back via Paypal!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 01, 2022 at 08:31:43 AM

Japanese Yen causing payment issues

This Kickstarter was held in Japanese Yen. This will cause an issue for many backers - your cards may be declined. You have a week or so to fix these issues, so don't worry about it but please do the following steps (in any order):

  • Try a different card if that's not a hassle.
  • Call your credit card company and tell them you're making a purchase in Japanese yen. Often the JPY purchase will flag an account and they will remove the flag - 90% of the time, this is the case.
  • If no matter what you do, it doesn't work, we can process the payment instead via Paypal in the current of your choice.  We've already had many backers doing this. You can send the payment amount to [email protected] and indicate the tiers/add-ons you want. Reach out by PM if you have any questions on this.

If possible, it is much preferred that you process the payments via Kickstarter so that they move smoothly into Backerkit so you can use our pledge manager and we can more easily collect shipping. Please consider Paypal as a last resort.

If no method works, please use Paypal

You can back via Paypal (including late backing, even before the late backer store is open on Backerkit!) by doing the following.

  • Calculate and send the exact pledge amount in Japanese Yen to [email protected]
  • Please include the reward tier you want and any add-ons
  • Please include your shipping address if you have physical rewards.  I will then reach out and collect shipping when we are ready to ship
  • Send me a message if you have any questions about this process!

Sorry about the hassle!

- Ben

It is all over. Evil has triumphed. Now, time for revelry! (and processing credit card payments, etc.)
about 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 01, 2022 at 06:24:07 AM

Hey everyone!  That was one hell of a campaign! I can't think you all enough for showing up and supporting.

First, let's grab some drinks and celebrate!

Now on to business...

This Kickstarter was held in Japanese Yen. This will cause an issue for many backers - your cards may be declined. You have a week or so to fix these issues, so don't worry about it but please do the following steps (in any order):

  • Try a different card if that's not a hassle.
  • Call your credit card company and tell them you're making a purchase in Japanese yen. Often the JPY purchase will flag an account and they will remove the flag - 90% of the time, this is the case.
  • If no matter what you do, it doesn't work, we can process the payment instead via Paypal in the current of your choice.  We've already had many backers doing this. You can send the payment amount to [email protected] and indicate the tiers/add-ons you want. Reach out by PM if you have any questions on this.

Pledge Manager and Late Backer Store

The pledge manager/late backer store will be open as soon as the funds clear Kickstarter. We're looking for a quick turnaround here, so we'll run the pledge manager and surveys for about a week along with a late backing store, then close everything down and send it all off to print. It all depends on how fast Kickstarter / Backerkit processes stuff, but I plan to have files at the printer by mid-September.

More Maps!

Don't forget, there's still a few more maps coming in from artists whose schedules were a bit too busy to hit the deadline. I'll post pics of those as they roll in. :)  Here's one now by SMitchellmaps that just came in today!


- Ben, Cass, Victor, and Ken at the Bandit Camp.

Couldn't back? Payment issues? Paypal backing available!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 12:43:32 PM

If anyone experienced problems during the campaign about not being able to back, you can back via Paypal.

Just send the exact amount you want to back for to [email protected], including the tier you're backing and any add-ons you want. Including your shipping address is also a good idea. I will then be in contact later to collect shipping fees.

You can reach out by PM if you have any questions!